Grassendale was originally Manawa run in 1884, consisting of Horoweka/Mairangi/Manawa and Grassendale, it was bought by John Dalziell and Ash Bunnys grandfathers and split it into four farms in 1931.
John Dalziells father managed Grassendale from about 1943 and bought into it. John Dalziell took over in 1972, he purchased the land and bailed the stock in 1974. John cleared and developed 230ha in three blocks over 4 years with development loans. And then a further 300-400ha over the next 15yrs.
George and Luce purchased Burtonfields (311ha) the neighbouring property to Grassendale in July 2005. A family succession plan was put in place and they purchased Grassendale in 2009. The two farms are run as one “Grassendale”. It is a steep summer dry hill country farm, with a particularly high wind run.
Total area | 1565ha |
Trees | 200ha |
Bush | 315ha |
Total Effective | 1050ha |
Flat | 115ha |
Easy/Med | 432ha |
Steep | 503ha |
Mudstone | 1565ha |
Silt loam | 200ha |
Sandstone/Argillite | 315ha |
"We started using Grassendale Genetics in 2014 and results speak for themselves. It’s not only the fertility of these sheep but the biggest thing is their ability to bounce back! Give them a pinch and it’s just not a problem!
We have lifted the lambing percentage from 135% to a five year average of 151%, but at the same time lifted the weaning weight of the lambs by 5kg Which is also an indication of the ewes outstanding mothering ability and that our survival has lifted from scanning to docking so substantially as well.”
Ian and Fiona Healey